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The law of diminishing love

Before stating what I want to say I think I should describe from where I got the idea. So please read the 2 paragraphs below.When I was doing my micro economics course I read about a topic call the law of diminishing supply / demand / marginal utility (sorry, forgot the real name of the term). Well term stares that the more one person consumes something the less demand that person will have for a product. This will lead to empty...
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Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The dreamer - Dream Interpretation

Once i read an article about dream interpretation. I remember some part of it and thought i should share this with others. Even if you believe that dreams have no relation with real life but you can interpret others dreams as for having fun. So here it goes.

Four rules of dream interpretation: Some rules you need to know when you are trying to understand a dream and going to interpret the dream.

Symbols may have different personal meanings: Different symbols mean different each individual. This is the most important rule of dream interpretation.

Analyze the dream in detail: There are similar things people dream about. Like one may see he/she got a new bike, or someone might see he/she is riding a bike, or got badly hurt by falling from the bike. So each thing must be analyzed carefully and in detail so you can interpret properly.

Conscious and subconscious: People can dream in 2 different state of mind. They are:

Conscious: This means what people do daily see a dream according to that. Like someone had lots of fun with their friends by visiting some special place or on some special occation. And they are very tired after that occation. So when that person sleeps can dream about something related to that or see what that person did miss on that occation. This is usually happens when someone is lightly sleep. They may not be interpreted.

Sub-conscious: Sub-conscious has nothing do with daily life. When people see a dream they don't have anything related to their daily activity or anything else. They just dream about it. And dream can be interpreted when people see it in the state of sub-conscious.

So when you try to interpret someone's dream then try to relate the above points and try to explain the dream. I am giving some relative meanings of what can be interpreted of a person's dream. Means what a person sees in his/her dream can what can it mean.

Relative meanings of dream:

Angel - protection
Apple, Apples - Plans are coming towards success; a good omen
Bear - a friend who is awkward will help you, if you are kind to him/her.
Birds - if flying high, good luck. If flying low, bad luck. If singing, success.
Book - sought-after wisdom is within reach
Bridge - if crossed, a happy solution to a problem
Cat - a loved one requires your attention, or soon will
Cigar - comfort, reflection, prosperity
Dog - calm times ahead
Fishes - on the surface of the water, abundance and wealth. At the bottom, danger. Fishes can also indicate fertility or pregnancy.
Flag - change, success.
Glass - if broken, success. If empty, distress.
Guitar - declaration of love
Hermit - need to bring quietness into one's life
House - home life, often future home life. If one dreams of a home with a light inside or smoke rising from a chimney, it means one is unlikely to live alone. An empty house denotes living in solitude.
Kiss - betrayal or self-betrayal.
Owl - don't start anything new on next day.
Snake - someone has a grudge against you.
Snow - be true to your inner values, even if that leaves you alone.
Spider - you will be undergoing a positive period of spiritual development in the near future.
Tea - a happy older life, good fortune from afar.
Trees - if a path through a forest, one will soon find one's purpose in life. If downed trees, success. If trees bare of leaves, a new beginning. If full trees, danger from complacency.
Volcano - adventure, passion.
Water - if flowing water, such as a river or stream, increased romance. If water is murky, one is unsure of one's own feelings. If fish in the water, abundance and creativity.
Whiskey - a happy and active life.
Wine - a happy old age.

Here are a few key to dream which i can remember for now. I will try to update the list time to time. Try to interpret your dreams at first then go for other.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Download any file with a download manager

If you use download managers then you must know that some files does not support your download manager. They are only able to download certain popular files. And it is not possible to download them with your current download manager. Well this is not true. You can download any files using your existing download manager.

I am using IDM or Internet Download Manager right now. And I am able to download all the files with IDM easily. There is no secret on this. All you need to do is to add file extension so your download manager recognizes the file types you want to download.

Since I am using internet download manager, I am going to use the process of how to add file types on IDM. Get ready for another knol:

1. Open IDM or internet download manager application
2. Now click on "Download" menu
3. Then click on "Options"
4. Then click on "File types" tab (You can see lots of file extensions like EXE ZIP RAR etc.)
5. Add your desired file type extension (Remember there must be a space after each extension)
6. Click OK
7. You are done, now start downloading.

Note: Example for step 5: Suppose you want to download a PDF file. So you need to add PDF format as your extension. Remember after each extension there must be a space so the download manager can recognize the file.

This method should work with all reputed download managers. I am using IDM because it works best for me. If you are using a different download manager then try this method. This should work. Now enjoy downloading.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Search Engine Visibility in less than 2 months

At first let me tell you the technique i am going to tell you is based on my own experience. I am not sure whether it's going to really help or not.

I have started this blog not so long ago. I am writing this a bit later because i could not make time to write this. As far as i know it takes more than six months to get visibility on google search engine unless you have coded something special to get on search engines.

In my case i have not done any special coding to gain visibility. But i did some activities to be on search engines. And the result was more than expected. Look at the picture. On the right side you can feedjit live traffic report. It also shows that someone came to my blog from google.com. I was astonished by seeing this. Because in less than 2 months google showed me on their search result. That's just amazing.

Well as I said before i did some things to get acceptance on search engines. Now I am going to share them with you.

Here are the things I did:

1. Submitted my blog to google, yahoo and msn. (It is not necessary to submit if you have a blog on blogger or similar services. I did not know it when i have submitted it.)

2. Submitted my blog to blogupp. It is a free service in which you show a small widget on your blog which actually contains an address to another blog.

3. Joined feedburner which is now owned by google. Later i found out that if you use use feedburner then it can help you publish your post massively. There are many services where it sends information like technoratri, alexa, blogsphere etc.

4. I have also put alexa widget on my blog. Alexa is a powerful search engine so it may also help to get visibility on other search engines.

5. Submitted my blog on SEOC. It submits your blog on 150 search engines including the top search engines & it's completely free.

That's all what i did. From the beginning my target was to get traffic from search engines. Because the people who come from search engines are the real visitors. Because they will come here by searching what they will need. Later they can visit directly. But now I only have started my blog. So there are not many people know about this blog. The only way is to come by search engines. And you can see that I have accomplished it. And hoping many more visitors in future.

As I have said it before this is from my own experience. So you can try these methods to get visibility on search engines. It helped me. And it may also help you to get visitors on your site.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to Identify a PTC Scam?

Those who are in online money making profession know about Paid to Click short for PTC. As the name suggests Paid to Click(PTC) is a paid service which pays it's members for viewing ads for a certain period of time. But most the sites don't pay their members. They just come and grab some money and vanish like flies. It is a hard truth. So I have discussed about this matter with others and made some points which will help you to identify the scams. They are very simple points, just have a look:

1. Pay rate/Click: The first three points are must see. Because with this you can say that whether the site is a scam or legit. I am going to combine them late of this post. For most of the PTC sites you will see pay rate per click is $0.01-$0.015. More than this is suspicious.

2. Referral click: Referral click will be either same as your click or less than your click. In most cases half you your click.

3. Advertising rate: This is how the PTC sites are charging the advertisers for a number of visitors. For example: They may get 1000 visitors for $20. Which means the advertiser will get 1000 by paying $20 to the PTC site.

4. Web layout: You should also look for this. Because the PTC sites which are going to stay for long time are going to use their unique web design. If you do some search then you can see lots of sites have the same design. This implies that they are just buying predesigned scripts & starting a site. So most good sites will have unique design.

5. Forum activity: All sites will have a forum. But you should look at the activities of the forum. Whether the forum is active or no members are there. If there are no members active on the forum then the site is again in suspicion. Also look at the threads of those forum. From there you can know whether the members are happy or sad about that site. Because members talk about everything on that site. Also either forum moderator or administrator answers most of the members questions or problems.

6. Type of ADS: This is what you look carefully. You should look for the advertisers they are getting. If you can see they are showing only their ads then something is wrong. Because advertisers will not pay them to show their own ads. So they have to pay you when you see an ad for certain period of time. So see whether they are giving other sites ads or showing their ads. Because they will get paid from advertisers & then they will be able to pay you. Otherwise they have to pay you from their pocket. From where they will get the money?

7. Verified by: Also look for whether they are verified by any site or payment processor. The sites are verified by payment processor are more safe. Most of the PTC sites use Paypal & Alertpay payment processor. So if they are verified by either of the sites then it is a good sign.

8. Extra funding option: Some sites do some extra things to fund their site. For example: lottery. Members will buy tickets & when all the tickets are sold the site will declare ticket holders winner. This is a good way to fund sites.

9. Spelling Check: Professional sites will do proofreading before launching their site. You can look whether the writings of the site contains some spelling mistakes. There will not be any mistakes if the site prepare to launch & stay in the business.

10. Security: This is a must have on PTC sites. Because the data on members are valuable. Everyday they are being updated. If someone hacks their account or mess up their data then the members are going to loose their money. So the sites must have tight security installed on their site so the members are safe from harm.

These are some facts you can verify before joining. It will be very difficult to find all the facts on a single site. But the first 3 points are must have. Here is an example why:

If the click rate is $0.01, Ref click is $0.005 so they are paying $0.015 each click. And now if they charge the advertisers $10 for 1000 clicks then it is a scam in my opinion. Because for 1,000 clicks the site has to pay 1,000*$0.015= $15 to their members. How are they going to pay extra $5 to their members.

The point is clear to you I hope. Also look for the last point which is security. It is necessary for you. Because if they don't have security built on their site then you are going to loose.

I hope this will help you in future if you are planning to join PTC or continue PTC. I wish you luck for your future.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008


BLOG FOR DOLLAR$ - The Secret Formula to Make Your Blog

Here if you read the whole article then you can learn how can you make you blog a money making blog. I am not going to put the whole details on this post. Because it is a very good descriptive way to monetizing your blog. If you read this then you will have a better idea how to manage your blog.

Actually it is a e-book published by ATMleb Hosting. They have given me the right to use it or sell it. They have not asked me money for this. So I have decided to give it for free because EHRKNOL is all about gaining knowledge. So how can I ask money for this.

Here is the introduction part of the e-book:

The internet had witnessed in the past years a new type of cyber communities known as
BLOGS. In a blog everyone is a webmaster who can share jokes, ideas, emotions, advice, and anything that can be translated into words; making them popular sites that are visited about 10000 times a month!!

In this ebook we teach you how you can create your OWN blog, make it as popular as
possible, and at last how to MAKE MONEY.

Before you start reading the rest of this ebook we would like you to note that building a successful blog will never be instant. Any blog (or any other website) consumes a lot of time and effort to become popular and successful thus to create revenue. So if you are looking for an instant get rich scheme then this book is not for you!!

In this book we guide you through 10 essential steps to create a successful, interesting and profitable blog that can, at the end, generate money 24/7 even if you are asleep.

How is this possible???

Well, you are going to find out in just 10 seconds. We are just asking you to spare us a small fraction of your precious time to read and to fully understand everything included in this book.

From the introduction you have understood what you are going to learn. I believe if you follow this e-book then your blog will be one of the best blog. So don't wait, just download the e-book.

Download the e-book here: Blogfordollars
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Friday, September 12, 2008

How to create an animated avatar using adobe image ready

I have seen many people who want to use an animated avatar on social places or in some forum. But the size of the picture does not match the requirement so the picture does not animate on conversations or on their profile.

Many people asked me about this. So I thought I should share this on EHRKNOL since it is what many people want. There are many softwares which can do this.

I only know how to do it using adobe image ready. All you need to do is to resize the animated picture according to the need of the site. And your can use the animated picture. Most sites require the image to be 80*80 pixels. But some sites have special requirements. Like 60*60 pixels. You can do it after you have done the following steps.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Start adobe image ready. (It is available with adobe photoshop)
2. Then open the animated picture you want to resize.
3. At bottom right you can see a tab called "Layer".
4. Click on layer 1.
5. Then go to "Image" menu & click on "Image size".
6. There write value on width box 60 (or other amount according to your need). Do the same for height box. (Height may change automatically, if it changes then leave it as it is)
7. Then press OK.
8. Then click on layer 2.
9. Repeat the step 5 & step 6. (Do the same for all other layers)
10. After resizing all the layers again go to "Image" menu.
11. This time click on "Canvas Size" on the "Image" menu.
12. Now write a value for your width & height box. (Do the same that you did on step 6. Write the same value as you wrote on Step 6).
13. Now press OK.
14. Now click on the "File" menu.
15. Hi light "Preview in" & click on "IEXPLORER" or any other browser it shows.
16. After your picture opened on the browser, right click on the picture & save the picture.

Now you are done resizing the picture. You can now use it anywhere you want. If the picture meets the sites criteria ( like 60*60 pixels or 80*80 pixels) then it will animate.
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