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The law of diminishing love

Before stating what I want to say I think I should describe from where I got the idea. So please read the 2 paragraphs below.When I was doing my micro economics course I read about a topic call the law of diminishing supply / demand / marginal utility (sorry, forgot the real name of the term). Well term stares that the more one person consumes something the less demand that person will have for a product. This will lead to empty...

Friday, April 17, 2009

The law of diminishing love

Before stating what I want to say I think I should describe from where I got the idea. So please read the 2 paragraphs below.

When I was doing my micro economics course I read about a topic call the law of diminishing returns / supply / demand / marginal utility (sorry, forgot the real name of the term).

Well term states that the more one person consumes something the less demand that person will have for a product. This will lead to empty the demand for that at one point. In other words there will be no demand for that product to the person. An example of this is that, suppose you love to eat ice cream on a hot day. And on a hot day it tastes great. But if you buy another ice cream and consume it then you would not get the same level of satisfaction as you got from the first one. If you buy a third one then the taste will be less. And will continue to reduce until you don't like it anymore. In economics term it is called the law of diminishing returns / supply / return / marginal utility. An easy way to test this is to try it by drinking water. And you will see the results.

At one point in life everyone falls in true love. Someone comes to their life and changes it the way they never expected. But sometimes things go different way. What I mean at one point love starts to fade away. Some people may say true love never dies. Well I also believe in that. But what goes missing is that the people gets tired of what they are getting everyday. As you can see if you get something which you like then it won't be the same the next time you have it.

If one gets the same amount of love everyday from his/her lover then at one point they may feel love is fading away. Because there is nothing new in their relationship. The same is happening again and again. As you can see why I described the law above. Because it matches with that law which I learned while I was doing my economics course.

But if there something is which is balanced and one tries to do something extra to make them feel that they are special then it could be more pleasant for both of them. All of us can realize that there is something extra needed in life to go on and make it more pleasant. And in love people need it most.

Well I am a naive in these things. So don't take this in to your heart if I said something wrong above. And if you like my post then please leave a commment about it.


Anonymous said...

Well you might have a point on this but thats they beauty of it all and the excitement of having to fall in love for you never know what to expect next....just let love come naturally and never try to figure it out for it is a learning each one must undergo....never try to find the reason or the logic behind everything just let your heart do its work and i think love will never diminish nor does love have any law for it is free for everyone to feel.....



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