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The law of diminishing love

Before stating what I want to say I think I should describe from where I got the idea. So please read the 2 paragraphs below.When I was doing my micro economics course I read about a topic call the law of diminishing supply / demand / marginal utility (sorry, forgot the real name of the term). Well term stares that the more one person consumes something the less demand that person will have for a product. This will lead to empty...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Search Engine Visibility in less than 2 months

At first let me tell you the technique i am going to tell you is based on my own experience. I am not sure whether it's going to really help or not.

I have started this blog not so long ago. I am writing this a bit later because i could not make time to write this. As far as i know it takes more than six months to get visibility on google search engine unless you have coded something special to get on search engines.

In my case i have not done any special coding to gain visibility. But i did some activities to be on search engines. And the result was more than expected. Look at the picture. On the right side you can feedjit live traffic report. It also shows that someone came to my blog from google.com. I was astonished by seeing this. Because in less than 2 months google showed me on their search result. That's just amazing.

Well as I said before i did some things to get acceptance on search engines. Now I am going to share them with you.

Here are the things I did:

1. Submitted my blog to google, yahoo and msn. (It is not necessary to submit if you have a blog on blogger or similar services. I did not know it when i have submitted it.)

2. Submitted my blog to blogupp. It is a free service in which you show a small widget on your blog which actually contains an address to another blog.

3. Joined feedburner which is now owned by google. Later i found out that if you use use feedburner then it can help you publish your post massively. There are many services where it sends information like technoratri, alexa, blogsphere etc.

4. I have also put alexa widget on my blog. Alexa is a powerful search engine so it may also help to get visibility on other search engines.

5. Submitted my blog on SEOC. It submits your blog on 150 search engines including the top search engines & it's completely free.

That's all what i did. From the beginning my target was to get traffic from search engines. Because the people who come from search engines are the real visitors. Because they will come here by searching what they will need. Later they can visit directly. But now I only have started my blog. So there are not many people know about this blog. The only way is to come by search engines. And you can see that I have accomplished it. And hoping many more visitors in future.

As I have said it before this is from my own experience. So you can try these methods to get visibility on search engines. It helped me. And it may also help you to get visitors on your site.


Lynn's recipe on November 19, 2008 at 2:41 AM said...

Added your blog to http://alphainventions.com/
hope it bring some traffic.

Blogger on November 19, 2008 at 2:48 AM said...

Thanks lynn :)



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